Wow this is great! Perfect... I got scammed $55 and I already have a crap job that pays $12.50 and hour but I only do 14 hours. I still haven't got my paycheck yet so I'm even more pissed that I don't have my money. I tried convincing them to give my money back but it's not working. Any amount of payment will help me get my $55 dollars back 😭💔💔💔🙏🙏
Yooo dude u need to get yo money back asap "tried convincing them" Bro call the police DO EVERYTHING within your power if you don't what stopping you from getting scammed again??? hope the best 4 u tho :L
I don't even think I can do anything about it cuz if I told my parents I was scammed they'd be pissed asf and wouldn't help me get my money back. I can always just get it back with my job ($55 is about 5 ish hours of work so I should be fine)